Validating Top-Dressed K Fertilizer Recommendations in an Alfalfa-Corn Rotation
Validating Top-Dressed K Fertilizer Recommendations in an Alfalfa-Corn Rotation Study author(s): Michael Russelle, USDA Agricultural Research Service Years of study:…
Validating Top-Dressed K Fertilizer Recommendations in an Alfalfa-Corn Rotation Study author(s): Michael Russelle, USDA Agricultural Research Service Years of study:…
Advancing Improved Management of Nitrogen in Minnesota with the Best Management Practices (BMPs) Publications Study author(s): John Lamb, University of…
Zinc and Sulfur Fertilization for High-Yield Corn Production Study author(s): Jeffrey Vetsch, University of Minnesota, Southern Research and Outreach Center…
Drainage Control to Promote High Crop Yields and Diminish Nutrient Losses from Agricultural Fields in Minnesota Study author(s): Jeffrey Strock,…
Tillage and Sulfur Management for Corn in Fine-Textured Soils Study author(s): Jeffrey Strock, University of Minnesota, Southern Research and Outreach…
Minimizing Nitrate Loss to Drainage by Optimizing N Rate and Timing for a Corn-Corn-Soybean Rotation Study author(s): Gyles Randall, University…
Efficient Management of Nitrogen Fertilizer for Wheat Grown in Minnesota Study author(s): Daniel Kaiser, University of Minnesota, Department of Soil,…
Impact of Phosphorus Fertilization Strategies on Efficiency of Nitrogen Use by Corn Rotated with Soybean Study author(s): Daniel Kaiser, University…
Fertilizer Requirement for Native Perennial Plants Harvested for Biomass Study author(s): Craig Scheaffer, University of Minnesota, Department of Agronomy and…