Is it worth applying sulfur to your soybean crop?
Is it worth applying sulfur to your soybean crop?
Is it worth applying sulfur to your soybean crop?
Economic analysis of AFREC soil fertility research shows large potential benefit to Minnesota's economy, environment
AFREC research roundup: 2023 nutrient management findings
Sulfur fertilizer application: Does S carry over from one year to the next?
Potato nutrient management research: 5 things we’ve learned
2023 Fertilizer Guidelines for Agronomic Crops in Minnesota publication now available
Plant tissue analysis: What to know about sampling strategy and handling
Growing sweet corn or peas in Minnesota? Updated fertilizer guidelines now available
Can precision nitrogen management increase farmer profitability and reduce N loss?
Can variable rate irrigation optimize nitrogen management and improve water quality?
Irrigated potatoes: How much phosphorus fertilizer should you apply?
Does source of sulfur fertilizer matter for alfalfa?
Can you take a nitrogen credit following sweet corn?
On-farm research helps to complement, challenge Minnesota's corn nitrogen guidelines
Ongoing study could help Minnesota farmers use manure more efficiently
Measuring nutrients in rainfall: What does it mean for Minnesota crops?
Phosphorus fertilizer application only needed every other year in corn-soy rotation
Alfalfa doesn’t need fall potassium fertilizer application to aid winter hardiness in Minnesota, research shows