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Sulfur placements’ impacts on corn hybrids grown in a two-year corn-soybean rotation.

Study author(s): Daniel Kaiser, University of Minnesota
Years of study: 2022-2023
Location(s): Rosemount, MN and Waseca, MN

Important: for the complete report, including all tables and figures, please download using the links to the right.

2023 Crop year summary

  • Crop circle or SPAD readings were seldom impacted by sulfur source or rate. Values were impacted by hybrid at Waseca and Lamberton during the first corn years, but there was no interaction between sulfur source or rate with hybrid.
  • Corn grain yield was affected by sulfur rate at Rosemount (both sources had a similar impact on yield) while source was significant at Waseca (yield was greater with ATS). Neither 2023 site showed any increase in yield based on the source or rate of S applied.
  • Corn grain yield differed between two hybrids at all four location locations. The three-way source x rate x hybrid interaction was significant at Waseca where yield was greater for the Pioneer hybrid but only when the high rate of S was applied as ATS. The Dekalb hybrid outyielded the Pioneer hybrid in 2023.
  • Soybean grain yield was not affected by the previous application of sulfur in 2023. Soybean grain yield did vary based on the yield of the previous corn crop with greater yield occurring for plots previously planted to the Dekalb corn which yielded less than the Pioneer.
  • Soybean grain S concentration, seed protein concentration, and the relative proportion of cysteine and methionine were increased with the application of S.
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